Sunday, January 13, 2008

Playing Fetch.

The needles are a-click again at Chez Zézette with the next couple of projects under way. Two on the go currently, both from Knitty, and both are things I've never tried before.

The first is a lace shawl. This one is for my mother-in-law's birthday, which is in March. I'm giving myself plenty of lead time because I'm new to this lace knitting malarkey. I'm not so keen on the colour I've chosen, but it's one I think she'll like which is the main thing.

Picture from Knitty.

Imagine this in deep turquoise mohair and you're on track. I've made a start and so far it seems to be panning out OK.

The second project is a pair of fingerless mittens, or will be when I've finished the second one. I was astonished to finish mitten number one and find that it fit a human hand and looked like the picture on the pattern. Knitting with five needles (four double-pointers plus one cable needle) looks pretty impressive, so Lofty thinks I'm a genius. This may well be the case, but I'm not sure that knitting ability has a lot to do with it.

I started the second one today but had to unravel it this evening due to what could be
kindly described as eccentric cabling. Sometimes a piece is simply hexed and the only thing to do is to drive a stake through its heart and move on. I'll start it afresh tomorrow.


I said I'd post the pattern for the second teddy bear variation and haven't. But do you really mind? I didn't think so. As it turns out the teddy bear morphed in to a rabbit, and a tubby bugger at that. It's not much smaller than boy baby, the bunny's recipient. It's been named Alexei, as in Sayle. Who is that fat ugly bastard?

Lofty had something to say tonight with regards to the faces on the bear and rabbit. Too inexpressive. I made them that way so that I can point out to the kids at bedtime how quiet and sleepy they are, but Lofty finds the lack of a mouth creepy. Once again I find myself wondering if I'm planting the seeds of phobia in my children.


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