Sunday, June 19, 2005

Socks Education

It may not look like much to the non-knitter, or even the more experienced wielder of sticks, but to your correspondent this strange wee garment marks triumph a year in the making.


it's a sock-like object
  • Not actually the first of these that I've made, but the second; the initial one was given to Ms Three, who promptly put it on her doll's foot. So they're even recognisable to young children, which is gratifying.

I say a year, and that's a little misleading. It's about a year since I first attemped to knit a sock, but my efforts in the time between then and now have been rather patchy*. That my last serious attempt at hosiery is sitting in a box in Canada, unsighted by me since late February, has not helped my cause. During this time, though, I have mastered four needles well enough to happily knit this way in public, quite some progress since my first ungainly stabs, which looked like nothing so much as a drunk octopus putting up a large tent in a stiff wind, unassisted. It's one of those skills only gained by dogged persistance. It's also one of those skills that sneak up on you: one day you're holding your mouth in bizarre twists and snapping at passers-by, the next you realise bloody hell, I'm doing it without thinking about it, or swearing, even. It's a beautiful thing.

So, the socks. Those who know me well will no doubt have noticed a tendency I have to latching on to seemingly random ideas and working furiously towards making them happen. Socks were one in that particular collection, a group which includes learning Photoshop, joining the Navy, juggling and making meringue. I just decided that it would be cool to make socks. And I'm still sure it is. I worked and worked at the damn things, but kept tripping up on one little word: turn. It appears often and inexplicably in sock patterns, and refers to shaping the rounded area that cradles the heel of the foot. I couldn't work out what the hell it meant, or if I thought I had, would produce a garment that might be a snug fit for, say, a can opener or an electric drill rather than a human body. I knitted and knitted and unravelled and knitted again. Then, cross-eyed, threw it all into a bag and made another scarf.

Recently, though, whilst browsing the fabulous Knitty** site, I found a pattern for The Training Sock, which cleverly only incorporates the essential and tricky elements of stocking manufacture in a compact and efficient object. Somehow, for some reason known only to Our Lady of the Needles, it clicked for me. I turned the heel. I picked up those damn instep stitches and made them into an arch. What joy is mine!

So celebrate with me, friends; it's simply a wee sock, but the pleasure in new skills hard-won and goals attained is truly a blessing, one of the great qualities of being human. But not quite so much that I'm willing to make a pair of socks for you. So don't ask.

*I mean, if I'd sat concentrating for that amount of time on any one thing without success then I'd be in need of some serious self-examination.

** Knitty is the home of the moderately infamous and totally wonderful knitted uterus.


At Monday, June 27, 2005 10:41:00 am, Blogger miss wendy said...

ahh hah!! there you are you lazy blogger you!- well I thought lazy but then i though i betcha she's at that jolly old knitting site! and here you we have to read about knitting if we want to hear how you are feeling (I mean felt). well that's the problem for me I would NEVER try to figure that out- I always go for the show and tell style of learning although at the moment the short term memory is dying so even that isn't a great idea. I had to get two tickets from the deli counter the other day because i looked,noted and then forgot the number until i realized that perhpas they'd passed it! ... anyway happy knitting to you

At Monday, June 27, 2005 1:51:00 pm, Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Ah, yes; I've been busy knitting and entertaining a house guest, often at the same time. And trying to correct an ill-judged hair experiment, which will hopefully be set right by the time I see you on Saturday... or before hand, preferably, given that my teacher training starts tomorrow!

So, you seem to be implying that reading about knitting is less than scintillating? Tish and nonsense! What could possibly be more edgy and rock 'n' roll? I've got another felted bag done and a nana-style nylon bag on the way -- whoo hoo! Yeah!

At Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:43:00 am, Blogger miss wendy said...

as long as you're happy dearie )Hasn't it been WET- Actually isn't it WET. I have two friends coming to sunny 'QLD- one from Canberra- she stays at the Gold Coast every year. and other from Perth to attend an Aikido (she teaches) training... Neither actually attempt to stay with me though!! I have been encouraging but they are not succuming- although my Perth friend is having trouble getting a hotel near the venue (Carindale) so we may get to listen to the 'night sounds' of each other as we 'sleep' in what could be mistaken for the working persons' two person tent.

At Wednesday, June 29, 2005 9:07:00 pm, Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Wow, yes it IS wet!! My complete lack of clean clothing is testament to just how long it's been raining! Thunderstorms are predicted for tomorrow (Thurday) morning!! Egad! What have we done to incur the gods' wrath? It must be punishment for Pride, in answer to the prayers of Fred Nile. ;)

At Monday, July 04, 2005 5:04:00 pm, Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Aaaaaaargh!! Daaaaaaaaaan!! That's so damn cool! Lucky ol' Ms Tun!

I think I've discussed the yarn shop at Manuka (or is it Kingston? I always confuse the two) with you; it's run by a tiny woman from Hong Kong (I think) and man, does she know her knittin'! Be nice to have somewhere other than crappy L**craft to shop. :( Oh, and eBay, of course...where I've just purchased a mixed lot of nana knitting nylon -- here come the dunny roll dollies!!

At Tuesday, July 05, 2005 8:59:00 pm, Blogger miss wendy said...

oh DAAAAn lucky Ms F.. she'd be so cut in your jammies.. I know people think I may be the ultimate Australian experience being born in Wagga Wagga ( even if I am allegedly white. ) but you'd have to agree spotlight in Queanbeyan trumps me.. I remember people used to ask my brother if he'd travelled and he used to say- I've been to Queenbeyan on my pushbike... lurve to the both of ewes.. I once crocheted a pair of black hot pants for my friend.. the one from Canberra who was here to visit today.. Perhaps that's why she wouldn't stay!- My Perth friend has succumbed as she can't find hotel accommodation!- See I know how to get friends!)

At Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:05:00 pm, Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Crazy Clark's* in Queanbeyan also rocks somewhat. I got lovely wet-eyed Jesus calendars for all my friends and acquaintances there one Christmas for 50c each! Golly! I also was blessed with finding some "The Wisdom of John Laws" calendars, too. Astonishingly they weren't blank.

*I think it's CC's -- the $2 store in the Coles shopping centre, anyway. Actually, there's probably more than one there. We ARE talking about Queanbeyan.

At Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:02:00 pm, Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Well done, Dan: you're the most conscientious contributor to this blog. :)

Ooh, shirts and their variants can be more than a little trying, can't they? I think you need to be very calm and methodical, and not be in too much of a hurry to get finished. It's the journey that has to take precendence, not the destination, when sewing collars. Unless you've got a particular taste for unpicking. (Vast experience tells me I don't, incidentally.)

Keep plodding Dan! Do you have a camera? Some progress shots might be satisfying for you.

At Thursday, August 04, 2005 8:22:00 am, Blogger Fatuous One said...

oh very well if you insist I will tell you about my quilt.... I've been working on it for two years now and finally you can tell that it might be a quilt. Certainly my friend (see, I have one) Jus recognised it, but that could be because she is a bit of an expert in the sewing area and knew what to look for.... and besides, what else would be on the lounge room floor? Anyway - there are squares of fabric (sort-of) and rows of these (well, mismatched rows, but...) and these join into 'panels' (that's a technical quilting term).... oh well, I am enjoying it and I haven't had to unstitch things too many times.


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