Friday, October 21, 2005

Tit Bits

Like many people, I've known my fair share of women who have lost a breast to the rapacious nibblings of cancer. The two closest to me who've gone through this ordeal are both fellow knitters, so naturally this caught my eye:

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What the hell are they, I hear you shriek? They're Tit Bits, of course. Handmade, groovy-as-all-getout prothesthetic breasts. Better than "real" prostheses; cheaper, cooler, funkier and made with the kind of love I'd hazard is somewhat deficient in medical appliance factories.

If you feel the urge to make one for the lopsided ladies in your life, you can find the pattern at the always-wonderful Knitty. Make one for every occasion!

I'm planning to get a couple started pretty soon; I have some feather-soft lemon yellow cotton from an op shop-purchased garment I unraveled a couple of years ago. I've been wondering what the hell to do with it. Should be just the thing.

Of course, once you're done tit knitting, you can move on to recreating the rest of the female anatomy:

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I've mentioned the knitted uterus before, but I think it's worthy of a re-run, don't you?

Both photos from

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